
Flat Earther ‘Realizes He’s Wrong’ In A Moment That Leaves Interviewer Speechless

Scientists and innumerable investigations have repeatedly refuted the flat Earth theory.

In a humorous and enlightening interaction that left his interviewer stunned, a man who was adamantly in favor of the flat Earth idea felt very humiliated.

Conspiracy theories that claim Earth is flat rather than the spherical shape we’ve been taught since we were little have been circulating for years.

But in spite of these assertions, the flat Earth theory has been thoroughly demolished by a number of researchers and scientists. Professor Brian Cox famously said, “There is absolutely no basis at all for thinking the world is flat.”

“Nobody in human history, as far as I know, has thought the world was flat.”

“The Earth’s radius was measured by the Greeks. I find it hard to understand why someone would believe that the world is flat.

He additionally stated: “The very simple fact we’ve taken pictures of it [Earth].”

It’s perhaps the most absurd suggestion a rational human being could make, and I’m at a loss for words. It’s drivel.

Some people still maintain that our globe is flat in spite of all of this scientific data.

Ryan Zim, a man who believes that the Earth is flat, was interviewed by Andrew Hales in 2018.

Hales stated to Zim: “OK… to imply that the Earth is flat, you aren’t just saying that NASA are lying, you aren’t just saying there is a conspiracy within a single company, you’re implying there is a conspiracy involving the world’s 71 space agencies – 13 of which have launching capabilities.”

“Not only are you saying that all 71 of those agencies are lying about the shape of the Earth, but every single person within them is lying or being fooled by their respective companies.”

He went on to say: “Furthermore, every single astrophysicist in the world is, by your implication, a scam artist getting paid to do research through telescopes and instruments that would be useless if the world were flat.”

Approximately 75,000 people are lying about their occupation. The idea that NASA, a program run by the US government, could possibly carry out this kind of conspiracy is not only ridiculous, but so is the idea that all 71 space agencies worldwide are involved in some sort of conspiracy, and that every astronaut, astronomer, and astrophysicist is a part of it as well.”

Many viewers inferred from Zim’s look that he may have finally come to the realization that he could be wrong.

He concluded by stating that governments are keeping the true form of the Earth a secret from the public.

“I believe the fact that the Earth is flat is confidential at a very high level,” he stated.

What do you think, then? Which side do you support?





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